

Personal | Schnubbs - the Down Under HubSpot Tiger (2)
April 16, 2008

/ Personal

MVP Schwagg

Here's the goodies I got in my MVP registration bag. It's a nice shirt, but just a tad big for me. The bottle holds a litre of water - just right for keeping me hydrated throughout the day.

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April 16, 2008

/ Personal

Making friends

I had a great adventure last night, meeting a whole bunch of new friends.

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April 14, 2008

/ Personal

Seattle Summit Shenanigans with Schnubbs

I've made it to Seattle in one piece. I was pretty tired when I checked in last night, but luckily they have put me in a great room with a nice big comfy bed.

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April 10, 2008

/ Personal

Schnubbs is going to the MVP Summit

Howdy Geeks.

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April 9, 2008

/ Personal

8 things about Schnubbs

I was tagged by my new friend Catherine the other day. This means that I have to tell you 8 things about me and then tag 8 other people. It's a kind of chain mail meme that goes around every so often.

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April 7, 2008

/ Personal

Staying Warm

It's getting a little chilly in Sydney these days.

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March 24, 2008

/ Music

Schnubbs and Buffy the Vampire Slayer

You probably know that I like Buffy. In fact I was fortunate enough to meet her in person (I did some stunt work in a few episodes of Series 4).

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March 23, 2008

/ Personal

Happy Easter from Schnubbs

Happy Easter to everyone. As we all know, Easter is less about any particular historical event, and more about chocolate.

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January 22, 2008

/ Personal

Studio shot

As part of my stunt-tiger job I need to have a collection of portfolio photos (my Agent uses these when putting me forward for roles). Thought you might like to see this one. It was taken recently and I particularly like the lighting.

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January 18, 2008

/ Personal

I love New York

This is one of my favourite nick-nacks around the house.

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