OK, I think I've worked out most of my feed issues. Yippee!
OK, I think I've worked out most of my feed issues. Yippee!
I've been having a little trouble sorting out issues with blog feed.
If you've been checking me out on facebook then you know that yesterday was one of my birthdays. I had a great party. But the best part... lolly bags at the end of the night. Here's me with my lolly bag:
I have a bonsai or two at my place. I like the tranquility it brings to my daily outlook. Here I am with one of my more mature bonsai plants.
I've been getting into meditation lately, and trying to simplify my very busy tiger-life. One thing that has helped me gain focus is my new Zen Garden. Here it is:
Had a relaxing day reading the paper today.
What do you think of my new cap? Pretty cool huh!
Whilst I'm waiting for my Xbox 360 and Halo 3, I've decided to get up to speed on Halo 2 (I've previously played all of the original Halo). Since I've just upgraded to Vista, this seemed liked a good time to load Halo 2 on vista.
I'm really excited about the release of the new Halo game - Halo 3.
I don't know if you can quite see in this picture, but here's me with a nice new copy of Vista Ultimate to install on my tigerputer. I am especially looking forward to checking out the new sidebar and gadgets.
A place to share our thoughts, reading and learnings.